Menjadi tempat belajar yang mampu menghasilkan individu berkebutuhan khusus mandiri, berprestasi, memiliki daya saing dan jiwa wirausaha. Serta menjadi acuan cara pembelajaran yang tepat bagi remaja berkebutuhan khusus.
– Memberikan kesempatan kepada remaja berkebutuhan khusus untuk mendapatkan pelayanan pendidikan khusus sesuai dengan potensi dan kemampuannya.
– Memberikan pengalaman pembelajaran yang menyenangkan (fun learning).
– Selalu membuka diri pada tehnik pendidikan yang tepat bagi remaja berkebutuhan khusus.
– Membangun pengalaman berwirausaha.
The opportunity to receive a proper education is the right of every community established within the Law. Building on this principle, LSPR Institute of Communication & Business, which this year celebrates its 32nd anniversary, continues to push for the development of an inclusive campus with increasingly comprehensive facilities.
“It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes an even bigger village to raise and support children and people with developmental disorders, particularly autism.” Educating, caring for, and having a child with special needs is not easy. As a mother of a special needs teenager, I feel that educating a special needs child requires not only hard work, commitment, perseverance, patience, passion, and skills but also special education and attention from parents, those around them, teachers, therapists, doctors, nutritionists, society, and also the Government. Many children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Indonesia do not receive the necessary therapy due to the expense of the therapy process and inadequate facilities. As an educational institution that realizes the importance of responsibility to the community, LSPR has, since its establishment, prepared various forms of CSR activities and is committed to becoming an inclusive and special needs-friendly campus. One of these is by establishing LSCAA (London School Centre for Autism Awareness), which was officially founded in 2017, and London School Beyond Academy (LSBA).
The main goal of LSCAA is to raise public awareness about autism and to expand public understanding of inclusivity for special needs children. LSCAA offers a variety of learning and training programs for special needs children, encouraging them to be more skilled and independent. Among the many activities carried out by LSCAA are organizing the annual Autism Awareness Festival, parentpreneur workshops for special needs parents, training for elementary school teachers, and producing and broadcasting a short film titled “Saudaraku Berbeda”. In addition, LSCAA collaborates with companies to employ special needs students to work in the industrial world. To date, LSCAA has trained 5,028 teachers representing 1,616 Elementary Schools across Jabodetabek. Moreover, the screening of the film ‘My Sibling is Different’ has been shown in 24 schools and watched by 3,131 students. Parents and observers of Special Needs Children are also involved with various experiences shared by others, participated by 526 people, and about 49 partnerships and supporters supporting the activities of LSCAA.